Vocabulary : Accrual to Accumbent
Accrual : Accrument.
Accrue : To increase; to augment. ;; To come to by way of increase; to arise or spring as a growth or result; to be added as increase, profit, or damage, especially as the produce of money lent. ;; Something that accrues; advantage accruing.
Accrued : of Accrue
Accruer : The act of accruing; accretion; as, title by accruer.
Accruing : of Accrue
Accrument : The process of accruing, or that which has accrued; increase.
Accubation : The act or posture of reclining on a couch, as practiced by the ancients at meals.
Accumb : To recline, as at table.
Accumbency : The state of being accumbent or reclining.
Accumbent : Leaning or reclining, as the ancients did at their meals. ;; Lying against anything, as one part of a leaf against another leaf. ;; One who reclines at table.
: Accumber, Accumulate, Accumulated, Accumulating, Accumulation, Accumulative, Accumulator, Accuracy, Accurate, Accurately
: Accrementition, Accresce, Accrescence, Accrescent, Accrete, Accretion, Accretive, Accriminate, Accroach, Accroachment
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary