Vocabulary : Achilous to Achromaticity
Achilous : Without a lip.
Aching : of Ache ;; That aches; continuously painful. See Ache.
Achiote : Seeds of the annotto tree; also, the coloring matter, annotto.
Achlamydate : Not possessing a mantle; -- said of certain gastropods.
Achlamydeous : Naked; having no floral envelope, neither calyx nor corolla.
Acholia : Deficiency or want of bile.
Acholous : Lacking bile.
Achromatic : Free from color; transmitting light without decomposing it into its primary colors. ;; Uncolored; not absorbing color from a fluid; -- said of tissue.
Achromatically : In an achromatic manner.
Achromaticity : Achromatism.
: Achromatin, Achromatism, Achromatization, Achromatize, Achromatized, Achromatizing, Achromatopsy, Achromatous, Achromic, Achronic
: Acherontic, Achievable, Achievance, Achieve, Achieved, Achievement, Achiever, Achieving, Achillean, Achilles' tendon
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