Vocabulary : Achroodextrin to Aciculiform

Achroodextrin : Dextrin not colorable by iodine. See Dextrin.
Achroous : Colorless; achromatic.
Achylous : Without chyle.
Achymous : Without chyme.
Acicula : One of the needlelike or bristlelike spines or prickles of some animals and plants; also, a needlelike crystal.
Aciculae : of Acicula
Acicular : Needle-shaped; slender like a needle or bristle, as some leaves or crystals; also, having sharp points like needless.
Aciculate : Alt. of Aciculated
Aciculated : Furnished with aciculae. ;; Acicular. ;; Marked with fine irregular streaks as if scratched by a needle.
Aciculiform : Needle-shaped; acicular.
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