Vocabulary : Adipescent to Adipolytic

Adipescent : Becoming fatty.
Adipic : Pertaining to, or derived from, fatty or oily substances; -- applied to certain acids obtained from fats by the action of nitric acid.
Adipocerate : To convert into adipocere.
Adipoceration : The act or process of changing into adipocere.
Adipocere : A soft, unctuous, or waxy substance, of a light brown color, into which the fat and muscle tissue of dead bodies sometimes are converted, by long immersion in water or by burial in moist places. It is a result of fatty degeneration.
Adipoceriform : Having the form or appearance of adipocere; as, an adipoceriform tumor.
Adipocerous : Like adipocere.
Adipogenous : Producing fat.
Adipolysis : The digestion of fats.
Adipolytic : Hydrolyzing fats; converting neutral fats into glycerin and free fatty acids, esp. by the action of an enzyme; as, adipolytic action.
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