Vocabulary : Adumbrate to Adurol

Adumbrate : To give a faint shadow or slight representation of; to outline; to shadow forth. ;; To overshadow; to shade.
Adumbration : The act of adumbrating, or shadowing forth. ;; A faint sketch; an outline; an imperfect portrayal or representation of a thing. ;; The shadow or outlines of a figure.
Adumbrative : Faintly representing; typical.
Adunation : A uniting; union.
Adunc : Alt. of Adunque
Aduncity : Curvature inwards; hookedness.
Aduncous : Curved inwards; hooked.
Adunque : Hooked; as, a parrot has an adunc bill.
Adure : To burn up.
Adurol : Either of two compounds, a chlorine derivative and bromine derivative, of hydroquinone, used as developers.
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