Vocabulary : Aerognosy to Aerolithology

Aerognosy : The science which treats of the properties of the air, and of the part it plays in nature.
Aerographer : One versed in aeography: an aerologist.
Aerographic : Alt. of Aerographical
Aerographical : Pertaining to aerography; aerological.
Aerography : A description of the air or atmosphere; aerology.
Aerogun : A cannon capable of being trained at very high angles for use against aircraft.
Aerohydrodynamic : Acting by the force of air and water; as, an aerohydrodynamic wheel.
Aerolite : A stone, or metallic mass, which has fallen to the earth from distant space; a meteorite; a meteoric stone.
Aerolith : Same as A/rolite.
Aerolithology : The science of aerolites.
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