Vocabulary : Affronte to Affuse
Affronte : Face to face, or front to front; facing.
Affronted : of Affront
Affrontedly : Shamelessly.
Affrontee : One who receives an affront.
Affronter : One who affronts, or insults to the face.
Affronting : of Affront
Affrontingly : In an affronting manner.
Affrontive : Tending to affront or offend; offensive; abusive.
Affrontiveness : The quality that gives an affront or offense.
Affuse : To pour out or upon.
: Affused, Affusing, Affusion, Affy, Affying, Afghan, Afield, Afire, Aflame, Aflat
: Affriended, Affright, Affrighted, Affrightedly, Affrighten, Affrighter, Affrightful, Affrighting, Affrightment, Affront
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary