Vocabulary : After-glow to Afternoon
After-glow : A glow of refulgence in the western sky after sunset.
Aftergrass : The grass that grows after the first crop has been mown; aftermath.
Aftergrowth : A second growth or crop, or (metaphorically) development.
Afterguard : The seaman or seamen stationed on the poop or after part of the ship, to attend the after-sails.
After-image : The impression of a vivid sensation retained by the retina of the eye after the cause has been removed; also extended to impressions left of tones, smells, etc.
Afterings : The last milk drawn in milking; strokings.
Aftermath : A second moving; the grass which grows after the first crop of hay in the same season; rowen.
After-mentioned : Mentioned afterwards; as, persons after-mentioned (in a writing).
Aftermost : Hindmost; -- opposed to foremost. ;; Nearest the stern; most aft.
Afternoon : The part of the day which follows noon, between noon and evening.
: After-note, Afterpains, Afterpiece, After-sails, Aftersensation, Aftershaft, Aftertaste, Afterthought, Afterward, Afterwards
: After, After damp, Afterbirth, Aftercast, Afterclap, Aftercrop, After-dinner, After-eatage, Aftereye, Aftergame
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary