Vocabulary : Against to Agalmatolite
Against : Abreast; opposite to; facing; towards; as, against the mouth of a river; -- in this sense often preceded by over. ;; From an opposite direction so as to strike or come in contact with; in contact with; upon; as, hail beats against the roof. ;; In opposition to, whether the opposition is of sentiment or of action; on the other side; counter to; in contrariety to; hence, adverse to; as, against reason; against law; to run a race against time. ;; By of before the time that; in preparation for; so as to be ready for the time when.
Againstand : To withstand.
Againward : Back again.
Agalactia : Alt. of Agalaxy
Agalactous : Lacking milk to suckle with.
Agal-agal : Same as Agar-agar.
Agalaxy : Failure of the due secretion of milk after childbirth.
Agalloch : Alt. of Agallochum
Agallochum : A soft, resinous wood (Aquilaria Agallocha) of highly aromatic smell, burnt by the orientals as a perfume. It is called also agalwood and aloes wood. The name is also given to some other species.
Agalmatolite : A soft, compact stone, of a grayish, greenish, or yellowish color, carved into images by the Chinese, and hence called figure stone, and pagodite. It is probably a variety of pinite.
: Agama, Agami, Agamic, Agamically, Agamis, Agamist, Agamogenesis, Agamogenetic, Agamous, Aganglionic
: Afterwise, After-wit, After-witted, Aftmost, Aftward, Aga, Again, Againbuy, Agains, Againsay
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary