Vocabulary : Aggrade to Aggrandizing
Aggrade : To bring, or tend to bring, to a uniform grade, or slope, by addition of material; as, streams aggrade their beds by depositing sediment.
Aggraded : of Aggrade
Aggrading : of Aggrade
Aggrandizable : Capable of being aggrandized.
Aggrandization : Aggrandizement.
Aggrandize : To make great; to enlarge; to increase; as, to aggrandize our conceptions, authority, distress. ;; To make great or greater in power, rank, honor, or wealth; -- applied to persons, countries, etc. ;; To make appear great or greater; to exalt. ;; To increase or become great.
Aggrandized : of Aggrandize
Aggrandizement : The act of aggrandizing, or the state of being aggrandized or exalted in power, rank, honor, or wealth; exaltation; enlargement; as, the emperor seeks only the aggrandizement of his own family.
Aggrandizer : One who aggrandizes, or makes great.
Aggrandizing : of Aggrandize
: Aggrate, Aggravate, Aggravated, Aggravating, Aggravatingly, Aggravation, Aggravative, Aggregate, Aggregated, Aggregately
: Agglomerating, Agglomeration, Agglomerative, Agglutinant, Agglutinate, Agglutinated, Agglutinating, Agglutination, Agglutinative, Aggrace
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary