Vocabulary : Agios to Agitated
Agios : of Agio
Agiotage : Exchange business; also, stockjobbing; the maneuvers of speculators to raise or lower the price of stocks or public funds.
Agist : To take to graze or pasture, at a certain sum; -- used originally of the feeding of cattle in the king's forests, and collecting the money for the same.
Agistator : See Agister.
Agister : Alt. of Agistor
Agistment : Formerly, the taking and feeding of other men's cattle in the king's forests. ;; The taking in by any one of other men's cattle to graze at a certain rate. ;; The price paid for such feeding. ;; A charge or rate against lands; as, an agistment of sea banks, i. e., charge for banks or dikes.
Agistor : Formerly, an officer of the king's forest, who had the care of cattle agisted, and collected the money for the same; -- hence called gisttaker, which in England is corrupted into guest-taker. ;; Now, one who agists or takes in cattle to pasture at a certain rate; a pasturer.
Agitable : Capable of being agitated, or easily moved.
Agitate : To move with a violent, irregular action; as, the wind agitates the sea; to agitate water in a vessel. ;; To move or actuate. ;; To stir up; to disturb or excite; to perturb; as, he was greatly agitated. ;; To discuss with great earnestness; to debate; as, a controversy hotly agitated. ;; To revolve in the mind, or view in all its aspects; to contrive busily; to devise; to plot; as, politicians agitate desperate designs.
Agitated : of Agitate
: Agitatedly, Agitating, Agitation, Agitative, Agitato, Agitator, Agleam, Aglet, Agley, Aglimmer
: Aggry, Agha, Aghast, Agible, Agile, Agilely, Agileness, Agility, Aging, Agio
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary