Vocabulary : Air poise to Aired
Air poise : An instrument to measure the weight of air.
Air pump : A kind of pump for exhausting air from a vessel or closed space; also, a pump to condense air or force it into a closed space. ;; A pump used to exhaust from a condenser the condensed steam, the water used for condensing, and any commingled air.
Air sac : One of the spaces in different parts of the bodies of birds, which are filled with air and connected with the air passages of the lungs; an air cell.
Air shaft : A passage, usually vertical, for admitting fresh air into a mine or a tunnel.
Air stove : A stove for heating a current of air which is directed against its surface by means of pipes, and then distributed through a building.
Air vessel : A vessel, cell, duct, or tube containing or conducting air; as the air vessels of insects, birds, plants, etc.; the air vessel of a pump, engine, etc. For the latter, see Air chamber. The air vessels of insects are called tracheae, of plants spiral vessels.
Air-built : Erected in the air; having no solid foundation; chimerical; as, an air-built castle.
Aircraft : Any device, as a balloon, aeroplane, etc., for floating in, or flying through, the air.
Air-drawn : Drawn in air; imaginary.
Aired : of Air
: Airer, Airily, Airiness, Airing, Airless, Airlike, Airling, Airman, Airmanship, Airol
: Air engine, Air gap, Air gas, Air gun, Air hole, Air jacket, Air level, Air line, Air pipe, Air plant
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary