Vocabulary : Albuminate to Albuminous

Albuminate : A substance produced by the action of an alkali upon albumin, and resembling casein in its properties; also, a compound formed by the union of albumin with another substance.
Albuminiferous : Supplying albumen.
Albuminimeter : An instrument for ascertaining the quantity of albumen in a liquid.
Albuminin : The substance of the cells which inclose the white of birds' eggs.
Albuminiparous : Producing albumin.
Albuminoid : Resembling albumin. ;; One of a class of organic principles (called also proteids) which form the main part of organized tissues.
Albuminoidal : Of the nature of an albuminoid.
Albuminose : A diffusible substance formed from albumin by the action of natural or artificial gastric juice. See Peptone. ;; Pertaining to, or containing, albumen; having the properties of, or resembling, albumen or albumin.
Albuminosis : A morbid condition due to excessive increase of albuminous elements in the blood.
Albuminous : Alt. of Albuminose
Next : Albuminuria, Albumose, Alburn, Alburnous, Alburnum, Albyn, Alcade, Alcahest, Alcaic, Alcaid
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