Vocabulary : Aliethmoid to Align

Aliethmoid : Alt. of Aliethmoidal
Aliethmoidal : Pertaining to expansions of the ethmoid bone or cartilage.
Alife : On my life; dearly.
Aliferous : Having wings, winged; aligerous.
Aliform : Wing-shaped; winglike.
Aligerous : Having wings; winged.
Alight : To spring down, get down, or descend, as from on horseback or from a carriage; to dismount. ;; To descend and settle, lodge, rest, or stop; as, a flying bird alights on a tree; snow alights on a roof. ;; To come or chance (upon). ;; Lighted; lighted up; in a flame.
Alighted : of Alight
Alighting : of Alight
Align : To adjust or form to a line; to range or form in line; to bring into line; to aline. ;; To form in line; to fall into line.
Next : Alignment, Alike, Alike-minded, Alilonghi, Aliment, Alimental, Alimentally, Alimentariness, Alimentary, Alimentation
Previous : Alienate, Alienated, Alienating, Alienation, Alienator, Aliene, Alienee, Alienism, Alienist, Alienor
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