Vocabulary : Alleghany to Allegorist
Alleghany : Pertaining to or designating a subdivision of the Pennsylvanian coal measure.
Alleghenian : Alt. of Alleghanian
Allegheny : Of or pertaining to the Allegheny Mountains, or the region where they are situated. Also Al"le*gha`ny.
Allegiance : The tie or obligation, implied or expressed, which a subject owes to his sovereign or government; the duty of fidelity to one's king, government, or state. ;; Devotion; loyalty; as, allegiance to science.
Allegiant : Loyal.
Alleging : of Allege
Allegoric : Alt. of Allegorical
Allegorical : Belonging to, or consisting of, allegory; of the nature of an allegory; describing by resemblances; figurative.
Allegories : of Allegory
Allegorist : One who allegorizes; a writer of allegory.
: Allegorization, Allegorize, Allegorized, Allegorizer, Allegorizing, Allegory, Allegresse, Allegretto, Allegro, Allelomorph
: Alledge, Allegation, Allege, Allegeable, Allegeance, Alleged, Allegement, Alleger, Allegge, Alleghanian
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary