Vocabulary : Allhallond to Alliaceous
Allhallond : Allhallows.
Allhallow : Alt. of Allhallows
Allhallow eve : The evening before Allhallows. See Halloween.
Allhallowmas : The feast of All Saints.
Allhallown : Of or pertaining to the time of Allhallows. [Obs.] "Allhallown summer." Shak. (i. e., late summer; "Indian Summer").
Allhallows : All the saints (in heaven). ;; All Saints' Day, November 1st.
Allhallowtide : The time at or near All Saints, or November 1st.
Allheal : A name popularly given to the officinal valerian, and to some other plants.
Alliable : Able to enter into alliance.
Alliaceous : Of or pertaining to the genus Allium, or garlic, onions, leeks, etc.; having the smell or taste of garlic or onions.
: Alliance, Alliant, Allice, Alliciency, Allicient, Allied, Allies, Alligate, Alligation, Alligator
: Alleviation, Alleviative, Alleviator, Alleviatory, Alley, Alleyed, Alleys, Alleyway, Allfours, All-hail
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary