Vocabulary : Alms to Almude

Alms : Anything given gratuitously to relieve the poor, as money, food, or clothing; a gift of charity.
Almsdeed : An act of charity.
Almsfolk : Persons supported by alms; almsmen.
Almsgiver : A giver of alms.
Almsgiving : The giving of alms.
Almshouse : A house appropriated for the use of the poor; a poorhouse.
Almsman : A recipient of alms. ;; A giver of alms.
Almucantar : A small circle of the sphere parallel to the horizon; a circle or parallel of altitude. Two stars which have the same almucantar have the same altitude. See Almacantar.
Almuce : Same as Amice, a hood or cape.
Almude : A measure for liquids in several countries. In Portugal the Lisbon almude is about 4.4, and the Oporto almude about 6.6, gallons U. S. measure. In Turkey the "almud" is about 1.4 gallons.
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