Vocabulary : Alphorn to Alsatian
Alphorn : A curved wooden horn about three feet long, with a cupped mouthpiece and a bell, used by the Swiss to sound the ranz des vaches and other melodies. Its notes are open harmonics of the tube.
Alpia : The seed of canary grass (Phalaris Canariensis), used for feeding cage birds.
Alpigene : Growing in Alpine regions.
Alpine : Of or pertaining to the Alps, or to any lofty mountain; as, Alpine snows; Alpine plants. ;; Like the Alps; lofty.
Alpinist : A climber of the Alps.
Alpist : Alt. of Alpia
Alquifou : A lead ore found in Cornwall, England, and used by potters to give a green glaze to their wares; potter's ore.
Already : Prior to some specified time, either past, present, or future; by this time; previously.
Als : Also. ;; As.
Alsatian : Pertaining to Alsatia. ;; An inhabitant of Alsatia or Alsace in Germany, or of Alsatia or White Friars (a resort of debtors and criminals) in London.
: Alsike, Also, Alt, Altaian, Altaic, Altar, Altarage, Altarist, Altarpiece, Altarwise
: Alphabetarian, Alphabetic, Alphabetical, Alphabetically, Alphabetics, Alphabetism, Alphabetize, Al-phitomancy, Alphol, Alphonsine
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary