Vocabulary : Altazimuth to Altercate

Altazimuth : An instrument for taking azimuths and altitudes simultaneously.
Alter : To make otherwise; to change in some respect, either partially or wholly; to vary; to modify. ;; To agitate; to affect mentally. ;; To geld. ;; To become, in some respects, different; to vary; to change; as, the weather alters almost daily; rocks or minerals alter by exposure.
Alterability : The quality of being alterable; alterableness.
Alterable : Capable of being altered.
Alterableness : The quality of being alterable; variableness; alterability.
Alterably : In an alterable manner.
Alterant : Altering; gradually changing. ;; An alterative.
Alteration : The act of altering or making different. ;; The state of being altered; a change made in the form or nature of a thing; changed condition.
Alterative : Causing ateration. ;; Gradually changing, or tending to change, a morbid state of the functions into one of health. ;; A medicine or treatment which gradually induces a change, and restores healthy functions without sensible evacuations.
Altercate : To contend in words; to dispute with zeal, heat, or anger; to wrangle.
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