Vocabulary : Amassette to Amative

Amassette : An instrument of horn used for collecting painters' colors on the stone in the process of grinding.
Amassing : of Amass
Amassment : An amassing; a heap collected; a large quantity or number brought together; an accumulation.
Amasthenic : Uniting the chemical rays of light into one focus, as a certain kind of lens; amacratic.
Amate : To dismay; to dishearten; to daunt. ;; To be a mate to; to match.
Amateur : A person attached to a particular pursuit, study, or science as to music or painting; esp. one who cultivates any study or art, from taste or attachment, without pursuing it professionally.
Amateurish : In the style of an amateur; superficial or defective like the work of an amateur.
Amateurism : The practice, habit, or work of an amateur.
Amateurship : The quality or character of an amateur.
Amative : Full of love; amatory.
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