Vocabulary : Amongst to Amoroso

Amongst : Mixed or mingled; surrounded by. ;; Conjoined, or associated with, or making part of the number of; in the number or class of. ;; Expressing a relation of dispersion, distribution, etc.; also, a relation of reciprocal action.
Amontillado : A dry kind of cherry, of a light color.
Amophorae : of Amphora
Amoret : An amorous girl or woman; a wanton. ;; A love knot, love token, or love song. (pl.) Love glances or love tricks. ;; A petty love affair or amour.
Amorette : An amoret.
Amorist : A lover; a gallant.
A-mornings : In the morning; every morning.
Amorosa : A wanton woman; a courtesan.
Amorosity : The quality of being amorous; lovingness.
Amoroso : A lover; a man enamored. ;; In a soft, tender, amatory style.
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