Vocabulary : Amphibious to Amphibologies
Amphibious : Having the ability to live both on land and in water, as frogs, crocodiles, beavers, and some plants. ;; Pertaining to, adapted for, or connected with, both land and water. ;; Of a mixed nature; partaking of two natures.
Amphibiously : Like an amphibious being.
Amphibium : An amphibian.
Amphibiums : of Amphibium
Amphiblastic : Segmenting unequally; -- said of telolecithal ova with complete segmentation.
Amphibole : A common mineral embracing many varieties varying in color and in composition. It occurs in monoclinic crystals; also massive, generally with fibrous or columnar structure. The color varies from white to gray, green, brown, and black. It is a silicate of magnesium and calcium, with usually aluminium and iron. Some common varieties are tremolite, actinolite, asbestus, edenite, hornblende (the last name being also used as a general term for the whole species). Amphibole is a constituent of many crystalline rocks, as syenite, diorite, most varieties of trachyte, etc. See Hornblende.
Amphibolic : Of or pertaining to amphiboly; ambiguous; equivocal. ;; Of or resembling the mineral amphibole.
Amphibolies : of Amphiboly
Amphibological : Of doubtful meaning; ambiguous.
Amphibologies : of Amphibology
: Amphibology, Amphibolous, Amphiboly, Amphibrach, Amphicarpic, Amphicarpous, Amphichroic, Amphicoelian, Amphicoelous, Amphicome
: Amphi-, Amphiarthrodial, Amphiarthrosis, Amphiaster, Amphibia, Amphibial, Amphibian, Amphibiological, Amphibiology, Amphibiotica
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