Vocabulary : Amusive to Amygdalin

Amusive : Having power to amuse or entertain the mind; fitted to excite mirth.
Amvis : An explosive consisting of ammonium nitrate, a derivative of nitrobenzene, chlorated napthalene, and wood meal.
Amy : A friend.
Amyelous : Wanting the spinal cord.
Amygdala : An almond. ;; One of the tonsils of the pharynx. ;; One of the rounded prominences of the lower surface of the lateral hemispheres of the cerebellum, each side of the vallecula.
Amygdalaceous : Akin to, or derived from, the almond.
Amygdalate : Pertaining to, resembling, or made of, almonds. ;; An emulsion made of almonds; milk of almonds. ;; A salt amygdalic acid.
Amygdalic : Of or pertaining to almonds; derived from amygdalin; as, amygdalic acid.
Amygdaliferous : Almond-bearing.
Amygdalin : A glucoside extracted from bitter almonds as a white, crystalline substance.
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