Vocabulary : Amylobacter to Amyloplastic

Amylobacter : A microorganism (Bacillus amylobacter) which develops in vegetable tissue during putrefaction.
Amylogen : That part of the starch granule or granulose which is soluble in water.
Amylogenesis : The formation of starch.
Amylogenic : Of or pert. to amylogen. ;; Forming starch; -- applied specif. to leucoplasts.
Amyloid : Alt. of Amyloidal ;; A non-nitrogenous starchy food; a starchlike substance. ;; The substance deposited in the organs in amyloid degeneration.
Amyloidal : Resembling or containing amyl; starchlike.
Amylolysis : The conversion of starch into soluble products, as dextrins and sugar, esp. by the action of enzymes.
Amylolytic : Effecting the conversion of starch into soluble dextrin and sugar; as, an amylolytic ferment.
Amylometer : Instrument for determining the amount of starch in a substance.
Amyloplastic : Starch-forming; amylogenic.
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