Vocabulary : Anacrusis to Anaerobic

Anacrusis : A prefix of one or two unaccented syllables to a verse properly beginning with an accented syllable.
Anadem : A garland or fillet; a chaplet or wreath.
Anadiplosis : A repetition of the last word or any prominent word in a sentence or clause, at the beginning of the next, with an adjunct idea; as, "He retained his virtues amidst all his misfortunes -- misfortunes which no prudence could foresee or prevent."
Anadrom : A fish that leaves the sea and ascends rivers.
Anadromous : Ascending rivers from the sea, at certain seasons, for breeding, as the salmon, shad, etc. ;; Tending upwards; -- said of terns in which the lowest secondary segments are on the upper side of the branch of the central stem.
Anaemia : A morbid condition in which the blood is deficient in quality or in quantity.
Anaemic : Of or pertaining to anaemia.
Anaerobes : Anaerobic bacteria. They are called facultative anaerobia when able to live either in the presence or absence of free oxygen; obligate, or obligatory, anaerobia when they thrive only in its absence.
Anaerobia : Alt. of Anaerobes
Anaerobic : Relating to, or like, anaerobies; anaerobiotic. ;; Not requiring air or oxygen for life; -- applied especially to those microbes to which free oxygen is unnecessary; anaerobiotic; -- opposed to aerobic.
Next : Anaerobies, Anaerobiotic, Anaesthesia, Anaesthesis, Anaesthetic, Anaesthetization, Anaesthetize, Anaglyph, Anaglyphic, Anaglyphical
Previous : Anachronous, Anaclastic, Anaclastics, Anacoenosis, Anacoluthic, Anacoluthon, Anaconda, Anacreontic, Anacrotic, Anacrotism
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