Vocabulary : Anapest to Anaplerotic
Anapest : A metrical foot consisting of three syllables, the first two short, or unaccented, the last long, or accented (/ / -); the reverse of the dactyl. In Latin d/-/-tas, and in English in-ter-vene#, are examples of anapests. ;; A verse composed of such feet.
Anapestic : Pertaining to an anapest; consisting of an anapests; as, an anapestic meter, foot, verse. ;; Anapestic measure or verse.
Anapestical : Anapestic.
Anaphora : A repetition of a word or of words at the beginning of two or more successive clauses.
Anaphrodisia : Absence of sexual appetite.
Anaphrodisiac : Same as Antaphrodisiac.
Anaphroditic : Produced without concourse of sexes.
Anaplastic : Of or pertaining to anaplasty.
Anaplasty : The art of operation of restoring lost parts or the normal shape by the use of healthy tissue.
Anaplerotic : Filling up; promoting granulation of wounds or ulcers. ;; A remedy which promotes such granulation.
: Anapnograph, Anapnoic, Anapodeictic, Anapophysis, Anaptichi, Anaptotic, Anaptychus, Anarch, Anarchal, Anarchic
: Anamorphosis, Anamorphosy, Anan, Ananas, Anandrous, Anangular, Anantherous, Ananthous, Anapaest, Anapaestic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary