Vocabulary : Anarchical to Anasarca

Anarchical : Pertaining to anarchy; without rule or government; in political confusion; tending to produce anarchy; as, anarchic despotism; anarchical opinions.
Anarchism : The doctrine or practice of anarchists.
Anarchist : An anarch; one who advocates anarchy of aims at the overthrow of civil government.
Anarchize : To reduce to anarchy.
Anarchy : Absence of government; the state of society where there is no law or supreme power; a state of lawlessness; political confusion. ;; Hence, confusion or disorder, in general.
Anarthropoda : One of the divisions of Articulata in which there are no jointed legs, as the annelids; -- opposed to Arthropoda.
Anarthropodous : Having no jointed legs; pertaining to Anarthropoda.
Anarthrous : Used without the article; as, an anarthrous substantive. ;; Without joints, or having the joints indistinct, as some insects.
Anas : A genus of water fowls, of the order Anseres, including certain species of fresh-water ducks.
Anasarca : Dropsy of the subcutaneous cellular tissue; an effusion of serum into the cellular substance, occasioning a soft, pale, inelastic swelling of the skin.
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