Vocabulary : Anastomotic to Anathematize

Anastomotic : Of or pertaining to anastomosis.
Anastomozed : of Anastomose
Anastrophe : An inversion of the natural order of words; as, echoed the hills, for, the hills echoed.
Anathema : A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority, and accompanied by excommunication. Hence: Denunciation of anything as accursed. ;; An imprecation; a curse; a malediction. ;; Any person or thing anathematized, or cursed by ecclesiastical authority.
Anathemas : of Anathema
Anathematic : Alt. of Anathematical
Anathematical : Pertaining to, or having the nature of, an anathema.
Anathematism : Anathematization.
Anathematization : The act of anathematizing, or denouncing as accursed; imprecation.
Anathematize : To pronounce an anathema against; to curse. Hence: To condemn publicly as something accursed.
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