Vocabulary : Ancestral to Anchorable

Ancestral : Of, pertaining to, derived from, or possessed by, an ancestor or ancestors; as, an ancestral estate.
Ancestress : A female ancestor.
Ancestry : Condition as to ancestors; ancestral lineage; hence, birth or honorable descent. ;; A series of ancestors or progenitors; lineage, or those who compose the line of natural descent.
Anchor : A iron instrument which is attached to a ship by a cable (rope or chain), and which, being cast overboard, lays hold of the earth by a fluke or hook and thus retains the ship in a particular station. ;; Any instrument or contrivance serving a purpose like that of a ship's anchor, as an arrangement of timber to hold a dam fast; a contrivance to hold the end of a bridge cable, or other similar part; a contrivance used by founders to hold the core of a mold in place. ;; Fig.: That which gives stability or security; that on which we place dependence for safety. ;; An emblem of hope. ;; A metal tie holding adjoining parts of a building together. ;; Carved work, somewhat resembling an anchor or arrowhead; -- a part of the ornaments of certain moldings. It is seen in the echinus, or egg-and-anchor (called also egg-and-dart, egg-and-tongue) ornament. ;; One of the anchor-shaped spicules of certain sponges; also, one of the calcareous spinules of certain Holothurians, as in species of Synapta. ;; To place at anchor; t
Anchor escapement : The common recoil escapement. ;; A variety of the lever escapement with a wide impulse pin.
Anchor light : The lantern shown at night by a vessel at anchor. International rules of the road require vessels at anchor to carry from sunset to sunrise a single white light forward if under 150 feet in length, and if longer, two such lights, one near the stern and one forward.
Anchor shot : A shot made with the object balls in an anchor space.
Anchor space : In the balk-line game, any of eight spaces, 7 inches by 3/, lying along a cushion and bisected transversely by a balk line. Object balls in an anchor space are treated as in balk.
Anchor watch : A detail of one or more men who keep watch on deck at night when a vessel is at anchor.
Anchorable : Fit for anchorage.
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