Vocabulary : Anchoring to Anchylosing
Anchoring : of Anchor
Anchorite : One who renounces the world and secludes himself, usually for religious reasons; a hermit; a recluse. ;; Same as Anchoret.
Anchoritess : An anchoress.
Anchorless : Without an anchor or stay. Hence: Drifting; unsettled.
Anchovy : A small fish, about three inches in length, of the Herring family (Engraulis encrasicholus), caught in vast numbers in the Mediterranean, and pickled for exportation. The name is also applied to several allied species.
Anchovy pear : A West Indian fruit like the mango in taste, sometimes pickled; also, the tree (Grias cauliflora) bearing this fruit.
Anchusin : A resinoid coloring matter obtained from alkanet root.
Anchylose : To affect or be affected with anchylosis; to unite or consolidate so as to make a stiff joint; to grow together into one.
Anchylosed : of Anchylose
Anchylosing : of Anchylose
: Anchylosis, Anchylotic, Ancient, Anciently, Ancientness, Ancientry, Ancienty, Ancile, Ancillary, Ancillary administration
: Anchorage, Anchorate, Anchored, Anchoress, Anchoret, Anchoretic, Anchoretical, Anchoretish, Anchoretism, Anchor-hold
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary