Vocabulary : Anemometrical to Anemosis
Anemometrical : Of or pertaining to anemometry.
Anemometrograph : An anemograph.
Anemometry : The act or process of ascertaining the force or velocity of the wind.
Anemone : A genus of plants of the Ranunculus or Crowfoot family; windflower. Some of the species are cultivated in gardens. ;; The sea anemone. See Actinia, and Sea anemone.
Anemonic : An acrid, poisonous, crystallizable substance, obtained from, the anemone, or from anemonin.
Anemonin : An acrid, poisonous, crystallizable substance, obtained from some species of anemone.
Anemony : See Anemone.
Anemorphilous : Fertilized by the agency of the wind; -- said of plants in which the pollen is carried to the stigma by the wind; wind-Fertilized.
Anemoscope : An instrument which shows the direction of the wind; a wind vane; a weathercock; -- usually applied to a contrivance consisting of a vane above, connected in the building with a dial or index with pointers to show the changes of the wind.
Anemosis : A condition in the wood of some trees in which the rings are separated, as some suppose, by the action of high winds upon the trunk; wind shake.
: Anencephalic, Anencephalous, Anenst, Anent, Anenterous, Anergia, Anergy, Aneroid, Anes, Anesthesia
: Anelectric, Anelectrode, Anelectrotonus, Anemogram, Anemograph, Anemographic, Anemography, Anemology, Anemometer, Anemometric
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