Vocabulary : Anesthetic to Anfractuosity

Anesthetic : Same as Anaesthesia, Anaesthetic.
Anet : The herb dill, or dillseed.
Anethol : A substance obtained from the volatile oils of anise, fennel, etc., in the form of soft shining scales; -- called also anise camphor.
Anetic : Soothing.
Aneurism : A soft, pulsating, hollow tumor, containing blood, arising from the preternatural dilation or rupture of the coats of an artery.
Aneurismal : Of or pertaining to an aneurism; as, an aneurismal tumor; aneurismal diathesis.
Anew : Over again; another time; in a new form; afresh; as, to arm anew; to create anew.
Anfractuose : Anfractuous; as, anfractuose anthers.
Anfractuosities : of Anfractuosity
Anfractuosity : A state of being anfractuous, or full of windings and turnings; sinuosity. ;; A sinuous depression or sulcus like those separating the convolutions of the brain.
Next : Anfractuous, Anfracture, Angariation, Angeiology, Angeiotomy, Angel, Angel fish, Angelage, Angelet, Angelhood
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