Vocabulary : Angust to Anharmonic
Angust : Narrow; strait.
Angustate : Narrowed.
Angustation : The act of making narrow; a straitening or contacting.
Angusticlave : A narrow stripe of purple worn by the equites on each side of the tunic as a sign of rank.
Angustifoliate : Alt. of Angustifolious
Angustifolious : Having narrow leaves.
Angustura bark : See Angostura bark.
Angwantibo : A small lemuroid mammal (Arctocebus Calabarensis) of Africa. It has only a rudimentary tail.
Anhang : To hang.
Anharmonic : Not harmonic.
: Anhelation, Anhele, Anhelose, Anhelous, Anhima, Anhinga, Anhistous, Anhungered, Anhydride, Anhydrite
: Angularness, Angulate, Angulated, Angulation, Angulo-dentate, Angulometer, Angulose, Angulosity, Angulous, Angurize
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary