Vocabulary : Anile to Animadversive
Anile : Old-womanish; imbecile.
Anileness : Anility.
Anilic : Pertaining to, or obtained from, anil; indigotic; -- applied to an acid formed by the action of nitric acid on indigo.
Anilide : One of a class of compounds which may be regarded as amides in which more or less of the hydrogen has been replaced by phenyl.
Aniline : An organic base belonging to the phenylamines. It may be regarded as ammonia in which one hydrogen atom has been replaced by the radical phenyl. It is a colorless, oily liquid, originally obtained from indigo by distillation, but now largely manufactured from coal tar or nitrobenzene as a base from which many brilliant dyes are made. ;; Made from, or of the nature of, aniline.
Anilinism : A disease due to inhaling the poisonous fumes present in the manufacture of aniline.
Anility : The state of being and old woman; old-womanishness; dotage.
Animadversal : The faculty of perceiving; a percipient.
Animadversion : The act or power of perceiving or taking notice; direct or simple perception. ;; Monition; warning. ;; Remarks by way of criticism and usually of censure; adverse criticism; reproof; blame. ;; Judicial cognizance of an offense; chastisement; punishment.
Animadversive : Having the power of perceiving; percipient.
: Animadvert, Animadverted, Animadverter, Animadverting, Animal, Animalcula, Animalcular, Animalcule, Animalculine, Animalculism
: Anhydrous, Ani, Anicut, Anidiomatical, Anient, Anientise, Anigh, Anight, Anights, Anil
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary