Vocabulary : Animus to Anisodactyls

Animus : Animating spirit; intention; temper.
Anion : An electro-negative element, or the element which, in electro-chemical decompositions, is evolved at the anode; -- opposed to cation.
Anise : An umbelliferous plant (Pimpinella anisum) growing naturally in Egypt, and cultivated in Spain, Malta, etc., for its carminative and aromatic seeds. ;; The fruit or seeds of this plant.
Aniseed : The seed of the anise; also, a cordial prepared from it.
Anisette : A French cordial or liqueur flavored with anise seeds.
Anisic : Of or derived from anise; as, anisic acid; anisic alcohol.
Anisocoria : Inequality of the pupils of the eye.
Anisodactyla : Alt. of Anisodactyls
Anisodactylous : Characterized by unequal toes, three turned forward and one backward, as in most passerine birds.
Anisodactyls : A group of herbivorous mammals characterized by having the hoofs in a single series around the foot, as the elephant, rhinoceros, etc. ;; A group of perching birds which are anisodactylous.
Next : Anisol, Anisomeric, Anisomerous, Anisometric, Anisometropia, Anisopetalous, Anisophyllous, Anisopleura, Anisopoda, Anisospore
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