Vocabulary : Anomophyllous to Anonym
Anomophyllous : Having leaves irregularly placed.
Anomoura : A group of decapod Crustacea, of which the hermit crab in an example.
Anomura : Alt. of Anomoura
Anomural : Alt. of Anomuran
Anomuran : Irregular in the character of the tail or abdomen; as, the anomural crustaceans. ;; One of the Anomura.
Anomy : Disregard or violation of law.
Anon : Straightway; at once. ;; Soon; in a little while. ;; At another time; then; again.
Anona : A genus of tropical or subtropical plants of the natural order Anonaceae, including the soursop.
Anonaceous : Pertaining to the order of plants including the soursop, custard apple, etc.
Anonym : One who is anonymous; also sometimes used for "pseudonym." ;; A notion which has no name, or which can not be expressed by a single English word.
: Anonymity, Anonymous, Anonymously, Anonymousness, Anopheles, Anophyte, Anopla, Anoplothere, Anoplotherium, Anoplura
: Anomalism, Anomalistic, Anomalistical, Anomalistically, Anomaloflorous, Anomalous, Anomalously, Anomalousness, Anomaly, Anomia
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary