Vocabulary : Antagonistic to Antambulacral
Antagonistic : Alt. of Antagonistical
Antagonistical : Opposing in combat, combating; contending or acting against; as, antagonistic forces.
Antagonize : To contend with; to oppose actively; to counteract. ;; To act in opposition.
Antagonized : of Antagonize
Antagonozing : of Antagonize
Antagony : Contest; opposition; antagonism.
Antalgic : Alleviating pain. ;; A medicine to alleviate pain; an anodyne.
Antalkali : Alt. of Antalkaline
Antalkaline : Anything that neutralizes, or that counteracts an alkaline tendency in the system. ;; Of power to counteract alkalies.
Antambulacral : Away from the ambulacral region.
: Antanaclasis, Antanagoge, Antaphrodisiac, Antaphroditic, Antapoplectic, Antarchism, Antarchist, Antarchistic, Antarchistical, Antarctic
: Ant cow, Ant egg, Ant thrush, Anta, Antacid, Antacrid, Antae, Antaean, Antagonism, Antagonist
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary