Vocabulary : Anthropolite to Anthropomorpha

Anthropolite : A petrifaction of the human body, or of any portion of it.
Anthropologic : Alt. of Anthropological
Anthropological : Pertaining to anthropology; belonging to the nature of man.
Anthropologist : One who is versed in anthropology.
Anthropology : The science of the structure and functions of the human body. ;; The science of man; -- sometimes used in a limited sense to mean the study of man as an object of natural history, or as an animal. ;; That manner of expression by which the inspired writers attribute human parts and passions to God.
Anthropomancy : Divination by the entrails of human being.
Anthropometric : Alt. of Anthropometrical
Anthropometrical : Pertaining to anthropometry.
Anthropometry : Measurement of the height and other dimensions of human beings, especially at different ages, or in different races, occupations, etc.
Anthropomorpha : The manlike, or anthropoid, apes.
Next : Anthropomorphic, Anthropomorphism, Anthropomorphist, Anthropomorphite, Anthropomorphitic, Anthropomorphitism, Anthropomorphize, Anthropomorphology, Anthropomorphosis, Anthropomorphous
Previous : Anthropocentric, Anthropogenic, Anthropogeny, Anthropogeography, Anthropoglot, Anthropography, Anthropoid, Anthropoidal, Anthropoidea, Anthropolatry
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