Vocabulary : Antiar to Antibrachium

Antiar : A Virulent poison prepared in Java from the gum resin of one species of the upas tree (Antiaris toxicaria).
Antiarin : A poisonous principle obtained from antiar.
Antiasthmatic : Same as Antasthmatic.
Antiattrition : Anything to prevent the effects of friction, esp. a compound lubricant for machinery, etc., often consisting of plumbago, with some greasy material; antifriction grease.
Antibacchius : A foot of three syllables, the first two long, and the last short (#).
Antibacterial : Inimical to bacteria; -- applied esp. to serum for protection against bacterial diseases. ;; Opposed to the bacterial theory of disease.
Antibillous : Counteractive of bilious complaints; tending to relieve biliousness.
Antibody : Any of various bodies or substances in the blood which act in antagonism to harmful foreign bodies, as toxins or the bacteria producing the toxins. Normal blood serum apparently contains variousantibodies, and the introduction of toxins or of foreign cells also results in the development of their specific antibodies.
Antibrachial : Of or pertaining to the antibrachium, or forearm.
Antibrachium : That part of the fore limb between the brachium and the carpus; the forearm.
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