Vocabulary : Antimask to Antimonarchical

Antimask : A secondary mask, or grotesque interlude, between the parts of a serious mask.
Antimason : One opposed to Freemasonry.
Antimasonry : Opposition to Freemasonry.
Antimephitic : Good against mephitic or deleterious gases. ;; A remedy against mephitic gases.
Antimere : One of the two halves of bilaterally symmetrical animals; one of any opposite symmetrical or homotypic parts in animals and plants.
Antimetabole : A figure in which the same words or ideas are repeated in transposed order.
Antimetathesis : An antithesis in which the members are repeated in inverse order.
Antimeter : A modification of the quadrant, for measuring small angles.
Antimonarchic : Alt. of Antimonarchical
Antimonarchical : Opposed to monarchial government.
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