Vocabulary : Antipathist to Antipetalous
Antipathist : One who has an antipathy.
Antipathize : To feel or show antipathy.
Antipathous : Having a natural contrariety; adverse; antipathetic.
Antipathy : Contrariety or opposition in feeling; settled aversion or dislike; repugnance; distaste. ;; Natural contrariety; incompatibility; repugnancy of qualities; as, oil and water have antipathy.
Antipeptone : A product of gastric and pancreatic digestion, differing from hemipeptone in not being decomposed by the continued action of pancreatic juice.
Antiperiodic : A remedy possessing the property of preventing the return of periodic paroxysms, or exacerbations, of disease, as in intermittent fevers.
Antiperistaltic : Opposed to, or checking motion; acting upward; -- applied to an inverted action of the intestinal tube.
Antiperistasis : Opposition by which the quality opposed asquires strength; resistance or reaction roused by opposition or by the action of an opposite principle or quality.
Antiperistatic : Pertaining to antiperistasis.
Antipetalous : Standing before a petal, as a stamen.
: Antipharmic, Antiphlogistian, Antiphlogistic, Antiphon, Antiphonal, Antiphonary, Antiphone, Antiphoner, Antiphonic, Antiphonies
: Antipapal, Antiparallel, Antiparallels, Antiparalytic, Antiparalytical, Antipasch, Antipathetic, Antipathetical, Antipathic, Antipathies
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary