Vocabulary : Antipodean to Antipyresis

Antipodean : Pertaining to the antipodes, or the opposite side of the world; antipodal.
Antipodes : Those who live on the side of the globe diametrically opposite. ;; The country of those who live on the opposite side of the globe. ;; Anything exactly opposite or contrary.
Antipole : The opposite pole; anything diametrically opposed.
Antipope : One who is elected, or claims to be, pope in opposition to the pope canonically chosen; esp. applied to those popes who resided at Avignon during the Great Schism.
Antipsoric : Of use in curing the itch. ;; An antipsoric remedy.
Antiptosis : The putting of one case for another.
Antiputrefactive : Alt. of Antiputrescent
Antiputrescent : Counteracting, or preserving from, putrefaction; antiseptic.
Antipyic : Checking or preventing suppuration. ;; An antipyic medicine.
Antipyresis : The condition or state of being free from fever.
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