Vocabulary : Antitypous to Antivivisectionist
Antitypous : Resisting blows; hard.
Antitypy : Opposition or resistance of matter to force.
Antivaccination : Opposition to vaccination.
Antivaccinationist : An antivaccinist.
Antivaccinist : One opposed to vaccination.
Antivariolous : Preventing the contagion of smallpox.
Antivenereal : Good against venereal poison; antisyphilitic.
Antivenin : The serum of blood rendered antitoxic to a venom by repeated injections of small doses of the venom.
Antivivisection : Opposition to vivisection.
Antivivisectionist : One opposed to vivisection
: Antizymic, Antizymotic, Antler, Antlered, Antlia, Ant-lion, Antoeci, Antoecians, Antonomasia, Antonomastic
: Antitoxin, Antitoxine, Anti-trade, Antitragus, Antitrochanter, Antitropal, Antitropous, Antitypal, Antitype, Antitypical
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary