Vocabulary : Antrum to Anxietude
Antrum : A cavern or cavity, esp. an anatomical cavity or sinus
Antrustion : A vassal or voluntary follower of Frankish princes in their enterprises
Anubis : An Egyptian deity, the conductor of departed spirits, represented by a human figure with the head of a dog or fox.
Anura : One of the orders of amphibians characterized by the absence of a tail, as the frogs and toads.
Anurous : Destitute of a tail, as the frogs and toads.
Anury : Nonsecretion or defective secretion of urine; ischury.
Anus : The posterior opening of the alimentary canal, through which the excrements are expelled.
Anvil : An iron block, usually with a steel face, upon which metals are hammered and shaped. ;; Anything resembling an anvil in shape or use. ;; the incus. See Incus. ;; To form or shape on an anvil; to hammer out; as, anviled armor.
Anxieties : of Anxiety
Anxietude : The state of being anxious; anxiety.
: Anxiety, Anxious, Anxiously, Anxiousness, Any, Anybody, Anyhow, Anyone, Anything, Anythingarian
: Antonomasy, Antonym, Antorbital, Antorgastic, Antozone, Antra, Antral, Antre, Antrorse, Antrovert
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary