Vocabulary : Aphrodisiac to Aphthous
Aphrodisiac : Alt. of Aphrodisiacal ;; That which (as a drug, or some kinds of food) excites to venery.
Aphrodisiacal : Exciting venereal desire; provocative to venery.
Aphrodisian : Pertaining to Aphrodite or Venus. "Aphrodisian dames" [that is, courtesans].
Aphrodite : The Greek goddess of love, corresponding to the Venus of the Romans. ;; A large marine annelid, covered with long, lustrous, golden, hairlike setae; the sea mouse. ;; A beautiful butterfly (Argunnis Aphrodite) of the United States.
Aphroditic : Venereal.
Aphtha : One of the whitish specks called aphthae. ;; The disease, also called thrush.
Aphthae : Roundish pearl-colored specks or flakes in the mouth, on the lips, etc., terminating in white sloughs. They are commonly characteristic of thrush.
Aphthoid : Of the nature of aphthae; resembling thrush.
Aphthong : A letter, or a combination of letters, employed in spelling a word, but in the pronunciation having no sound.
Aphthous : Pertaining to, or caused by, aphthae; characterized by aphtae; as, aphthous ulcers; aphthous fever.
: Aphyllous, Apiaceous, Apian, Apiarian, Apiarist, Apiary, Apical, Apices, Apician, Apicular
: Aphorismic, Aphorist, Aphoristic, Aphoristical, Aphoristically, Aphorize, Aphotic, Aphotic region, Aphrasia, Aphrite
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary