Vocabulary : Apis to Aplanatism

Apis : A genus of insects of the order Hymenoptera, including the common honeybee (Apis mellifica) and other related species. See Honeybee.
Apish : Having the qualities of an ape; prone to imitate in a servile manner. Hence: Apelike; fantastically silly; foppish; affected; trifling.
Apishly : In an apish manner; with servile imitation; foppishly.
Apishness : The quality of being apish; mimicry; foppery.
Apitpat : With quick beating or palpitation; pitapat.
Aplacental : Belonging to the Aplacentata; without placenta.
Aplacentata : Mammals which have no placenta.
Aplacophora : A division of Amphineura in which the body is naked or covered with slender spines or setae, but is without shelly plates.
Aplanatic : Having two or more parts of different curvatures, so combined as to remove spherical aberration; -- said of a lens.
Aplanatism : Freedom from spherical aberration.
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