Vocabulary : Apocopated to Apocryphally
Apocopated : Shortened by apocope; as, an apocopate form.
Apocopation : Shortening by apocope; the state of being apocopated.
Apocope : The cutting off, or omission, of the last letter, syllable, or part of a word. ;; A cutting off; abscission.
Apocrisiarius : A delegate or deputy; especially, the pope's nuncio or legate at Constantinople.
Apocrisiary : Alt. of Apocrisiarius
Apocrustic : Astringent and repellent. ;; An apocrustic medicine.
Apocrypha : Something, as a writing, that is of doubtful authorship or authority; -- formerly used also adjectively. ;; Specif.: Certain writings which are received by some Christians as an authentic part of the Holy Scriptures, but are rejected by others.
Apocryphal : Pertaining to the Apocrypha. ;; Not canonical. Hence: Of doubtful authority; equivocal; mythic; fictitious; spurious; false.
Apocryphalist : One who believes in, or defends, the Apocrypha.
Apocryphally : In an apocryphal manner; mythically; not indisputably.
: Apocryphalness, Apocryphas, Apocynaceous, Apocyneous, Apocynin, Apod, Apoda, Apodal, Apodan, Apode
: Apo, Apocalypse, Apocalyptic, Apocalyptical, Apocalyptically, Apocalyptist, Apocarpous, Apochromatic, Apocodeine, Apocopate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary