Vocabulary : Apodous to Apogeotropic

Apodous : Apodal; apod.
Apods : of Apode
Apodyterium : The apartment at the entrance of the baths, or in the palestra, where one stripped; a dressing room.
Apogaic : Apogean.
Apogamic : Relating to apogamy.
Apogamy : The formation of a bud in place of a fertilized ovule or oospore.
Apogeal : Apogean.
Apogean : Connected with the apogee; as, apogean (neap) tides, which occur when the moon has passed her apogee.
Apogee : That point in the orbit of the moon which is at the greatest distance from the earth. ;; Fig.: The farthest or highest point; culmination.
Apogeotropic : Bending away from the ground; -- said of leaves, etc.
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