Vocabulary : Apparitional to Appealant
Apparitional : Pertaining to an apparition or to apparitions; spectral.
Apparitor : Formerly, an officer who attended magistrates and judges to execute their orders. ;; A messenger or officer who serves the process of an ecclesiastical court.
Appaume : A hand open and extended so as to show the palm.
Appay : To pay; to satisfy or appease.
Appeach : To impeach; to accuse; to asperse; to inform against; to reproach.
Appeacher : An accuser.
Appeachment : Accusation.
Appeal : To make application for the removal of (a cause) from an inferior to a superior judge or court for a rehearing or review on account of alleged injustice or illegality in the trial below. We say, the cause was appealed from an inferior court. ;; To charge with a crime; to accuse; to institute a private criminal prosecution against for some heinous crime; as, to appeal a person of felony. ;; To summon; to challenge. ;; To invoke. ;; To apply for the removal of a cause from an inferior to a superior judge or court for the purpose of reexamination of for decision. ;; To call upon another to decide a question controverted, to corroborate a statement, to vindicate one's rights, etc.; as, I appeal to all mankind for the truth of what is alleged. Hence: To call on one for aid; to make earnest request. ;; An application for the removal of a cause or suit from an inferior to a superior judge or court for reexamination or review. ;; The mode of proceeding by which such removal is effected. ;; The right of appeal. ;; An
Appealable : Capable of being appealed against; that may be removed to a higher tribunal for decision; as, the cause is appealable. ;; That may be accused or called to answer by appeal; as, a criminal is appealable for manslaughter.
Appealant : An appellant.
: Appealed, Appealer, Appealing, Appear, Appearance, Appeared, Appearer, Appearing, Appearingly, Appeasable
: Appareled, Appareling, Apparelled, Apparelling, Apparence, Apparency, Apparent, Apparently, Apparentness, Apparition
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary