Vocabulary : Appetite to Applauder

Appetite : The desire for some personal gratification, either of the body or of the mind. ;; Desire for, or relish of, food or drink; hunger. ;; Any strong desire; an eagerness or longing. ;; Tendency; appetency. ;; The thing desired.
Appetition : Desire; a longing for, or seeking after, something.
Appetitive : Having the quality of desiring gratification; as, appetitive power or faculty.
Appetize : To make hungry; to whet the appetite of.
Appetizer : Something which creates or whets an appetite.
Appetizing : Exciting appetite; as, appetizing food. ;; So as to excite appetite.
Appian : Of or pertaining to Appius.
Applaud : To show approval of by clapping the hands, acclamation, or other significant sign. ;; To praise by words; to express approbation of; to commend; to approve. ;; To express approbation loudly or significantly.
Applauded : of Applaud
Applauder : One who applauds.
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